Starting today you have the option to register for the additional Management Session „Strategic Innovation Management“. The course will be taught by Professor Dr. Manfred Perlitz and has a capacity for approximately 100 students. Some of the featured topics in the course include Creativity and Idea Management, Stage Gate Process, Need for Innvovations, as well as the Diffusion Theory. It is created in order to give students a better understanding of how important innvovations are for the future success of companies and how to analyze strategic options for such innovations.
The session will be held from November 9th-11th and registration is open until October 11th. More information and the registration process can be found on ilias.
Lauscht den swingenden Jazzstandards genauso wie französischen Chansons, der großen Liebe der charmanten wie stimmgewaltigen Sängerin Brigithe! Im Trio mit Klavier und Kontrabass tritt das „Taxi Bleau“ am nächsten Dienstag, den 29.09 ab 20.00 Uhr im Rektoratsinnenhof des Schlosses auf! Wir freuen uns auf euch.
Last week we have met with the representatives of the Dean’s office and the Mannheim Business School. We have adressed the current problems with regards to limited course capacities, as well as limited seminar places in the Management Area of the MMM. We are happy to announce that as a short-term measure Prof. Woywode will offer six additional places for his seminar this semester. If you are interested, please hand in your application until this Friday (25.09.15).
More detailed information on the seminar can be found here:…/graduate/man-770-research-seminar BWL BWL2015-09-23 18:48:542015-09-23 21:56:59Additional places for MMM students in the Management Area
Additional Strategic Innovation Management Session MMM
Allgemein, Erstsemester, MasterStarting today you have the option to register for the additional Management Session „Strategic Innovation Management“. The course will be taught by Professor Dr. Manfred Perlitz and has a capacity for approximately 100 students. Some of the featured topics in the course include Creativity and Idea Management, Stage Gate Process, Need for Innvovations, as well as the Diffusion Theory. It is created in order to give students a better understanding of how important innvovations are for the future success of companies and how to analyze strategic options for such innovations.
The session will be held from November 9th-11th and registration is open until October 11th. More information and the registration process can be found on ilias.
Jazz im Schloss: Brigithe et Taxi Bleu
Allgemein, Events, Fachschaft, Jazz im SchlossLauscht den swingenden Jazzstandards genauso wie französischen Chansons, der großen Liebe der charmanten wie stimmgewaltigen Sängerin Brigithe! Im Trio mit Klavier und Kontrabass tritt das „Taxi Bleau“ am nächsten Dienstag, den 29.09 ab 20.00 Uhr im Rektoratsinnenhof des Schlosses auf! Wir freuen uns auf euch.
Additional places for MMM students in the Management Area
Allgemein, Erstsemester, Master, NewsLast week we have met with the representatives of the Dean’s office and the Mannheim Business School. We have adressed the current problems with regards to limited course capacities, as well as limited seminar places in the Management Area of the MMM. We are happy to announce that as a short-term measure Prof. Woywode will offer six additional places for his seminar this semester. If you are interested, please hand in your application until this Friday (25.09.15).
More detailed information on the seminar can be found here:…/graduate/man-770-research-seminar