Dear First-Year Students,

Dear first-year students,
a warm welcome here at the University of Mannheim. First of all, congratulations on your admission to the MMM! We are looking forward to welcoming you on campus in a few weeks.

To make your start in Mannheim easier, we have planned some events during the Introductory Week (ESEF) for you that are a great opportunity to get to know your fellow students before the official lecture period starts. So, we highly recommend being in Mannheim from 28th August to 01st September.

Beforehand, you will have the chance to ask all your question concerning course choice in our Area Market which will be held online. The date will be determined soon but will around the end of August. Students from higher semesters will talk about their personal experiences with courses from the different areas and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.

You will find more detailed information about the planned events soon, either here on this website, on our Instagram account @mmm_fsbwl or in the MMM-WhatsApp groups – if you are not part them yet, just contact us on Instagram to get access.

Your Fachschaft BWL Master Team

Your Fachschaft BWL